Passwords have become in many cases our only key to confidential and very sensitive data, such as bank accounts and cloud storage services. The length or the combination of characters that we use will determine their strength and reliability – in other terms, their level of entropy. Free Password Strength Meter measures the number of entropy bits present in your passwords, categorizing them from “very unsafe” to “very strong”.
This highly useful free utility opens in a small one-window interface that hides a powerful algorithm that measures the strength of any password as you type it. You can show or hide the characters that you use, and you will receive real-time feedback every time you add, remove, or replace a character or change the proposed string in any other way. Together with the more obvious “very unsafe”, “reasonable”, “good”, “strong”, and “very strong” color-coded labels used to categorize the validity of your password, you are provided with more objective data related to its level of entropy. Thus, Total Entropy will tell you how many bits of strength your password has – a value of 50 means that the string you created is as safe as a string made out of 50 bits chosen by pure chance. The more bits, the safer – note that each bit you add to the string doubles its total strength. You are also informed about the entropy bits per character, as well as the number of characters you have used, and how many of them are unique to the password created. more